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Tobias Stückelberger (Choral Conductor)

Born: 1993 - Switzerland

The Swiss choral conductor, Tobias Stückelberger, was a singer in the Knabenkantorei Basel for many years and then studied choir conducting and music education in Basel (with Raphael Immoos). He continued his education with a master's degree in conducting with Professor Grete Pedersen at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo from 2016 to 2018. During this time he worked as an assistant with Det Norske Solistkor, Norway's leading professional vocal ensemble. He received formative impulses in master-classes with Paul Hillier, Daniel Reuss, Anders Eby, Anne Kohler and Jörg-Peter Weigle.

After his studies, Tobias Stückelberger was director of the Drakensberg Boys Choir in South Africa from 2018-2020. He lived with the singers and gave weekly concert in the boarding school and conducted over 120 concerts on the African continent and in Europe. The repertoire ranged from classical a cappella literature to choral symphonic works to contemporary music, pop and African folklore with unusual choreographies.

Tobias Stückelberger founded the semi-professional ensemble Junger Kammerchor Basel (Young chamber choir of Basel) in 2016 and the A-Ronne Vocal Ensemble in 2018. With the two groups made up of professional singers, he dedicates himself to dramaturgically designed concert programs with music from all eras. He pays particular attention to new arrangements of great romantic works and the promotion of contemporary vocal chamber music. Since August 2021, he is the musical director of the Singknaben der St. Ursen Kathedrale Solothurn.

In the field of musical theater, Tobias Stückelberger has been the musical director of various productions of the professional musical theater group Texte und Töne (Texts and Sounds), primarily featuring contemporary music, since 2015. In 2017 he took over the choral rehearsal for the Norwegian Opera Academy's production of W.A. Mozart's Don Giovanni at the Oslo Opera House.

Tobias Stückelberger was a guest conductor with Voces Suaves and with Det Norske Solistkor, director of the intercantonal women's choir, assistant with the Schweizer Jugendchor (Swiss Youth Choir) and singer in the Chamber Choir of Scandinavia and the World Youth Choir.

Tobias Stückelberger Website (June 2021), English translation by Aryeh Oron (September 2023)
Bits & pieces from other sources
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (September 2023)

Tobias Stückelberger: Short Biography | Ensembles: Junger Kammerchor Basel
Bach Discography:
Recordings of Vocal Works

Links to other Sites

Tobias Stückelberger, Conductor (Official Website)
Tobias Stückelberger on Facebook

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Last update: Sunday, October 01, 2023 12:36