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Ulf Nilsen (Organ, Piano)

Born: February 25, 1964 - Bærum, Norway

The Norwegian organist and pianist, Ulf Nilsen, obtained his Bachelor's degree in church music and a diploma in harpsichord at the Norwegian Academy of Music and Conservatorium van Amsterdam. In addition to organ music, he has immersed himself in piano music from the Classic and early Romance periods performed on historical instruments and has taken piano lessons with Benny Dahl-Hansen, Jens Harald Bratlie and Liv Glaser. Since 2012, he has regularly taken instruction with Einar Steen-Nøkleberg to further develop and perfect his piano playing.

Ulf Nilsen has been the cantor/church organist of Lovisenberg church in Oslo since 1996. He is a versatile musician with expertise ranging from church music and early music to jazz improvisation. He plays all styles and is an unparalleled improviser. He is known as one of Norway's foremost organists, but is also well-versed on piano. He knows the classical repertoire inside and out, but also plays jazz, gospel or folk. At concerts, he always manages to amaze the audience, as he plays the violin while accompanying himself to the organ. He has collaborated with several prominent musicians such as Stian Carstensen, Georg Reiss and the Magnolia Jazz Band. Recently, he and Frøydis performed for the King and Queen of Norway, at the official visit of the president of Slovenia, Borut Pahor. He currently lives in Oslo, Norway.

YouTube (April 2020)
Oslo International Church Music Festival (March 2020)
Ulf Nilsen profile on Facebook
Contributed by
Aryeh Oron (October 2020)

Ulf Nilsen: Short Biography | Bach Discography: Recordings of Instrumental Works

Links to other Sites

Ulf Nilsen on Facebook
Ulf Nilsen page on Facebook
Deaf and Blind – Ludwig And Me (Oslo International Church Music Festival)

Biographies of Performers: Main Page | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Explanation | Acronyms | Missing Biographies | The Sad Corner


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Last update: Saturday, October 17, 2020 08:02